Tuesday, May 13

Two Feet

More thoughts while biking: Between hoping no cars would hit me and knowing that B would be happy I had my helmet on, I was thinking about how far away things are. Hawaii. A dream job. A perfect place to live. I thought about how I had gotten to every place I've ever been and how I've reached goals that I've set. Not that I'm a big goal setter (part of the problem?), but I finished a few marathons and I got down hills that were scary for me on my snowboard and I sell my art. These were things I always wanted to do that actually got done. One thing they had in common is that they all seemed impossible once. What made that change was simply moving in a direction to close the distance between mere hope and blazing sun-in-your-eyes reality. It turns out it's only two feet - mine. Now, if I could just remember that when I find myself standing there staring off into the distance.


julie king said...

i love the sentiment in this post, ginger! very motivational and i needed a good kick in the butt!! thanks!!

Ginger said...

Well done lists on your blog. You should repost them at a later date with things crossed off to show the progress. Keep us all inspired.