Wednesday, June 25

Yak Racing

I made it back to the local kayak race series tonight after two weeks of not being able to go. What a blast. I got to try a real racing boat tonight like the one pictured. It has foot pedals to control the rudder. Press right, you go right. Press left, you go left. Very simple. Let me tell you that is a lot of boat to turn though when you're used to a little 14 footer. I noticed the wind affecting the sit-on-top style boat as well, but it really carved through the water nice. My recreational kayak kind of gets bouncy out there. In a perfect world, I would need two boats. From the results, my time was 24.63 with an average of 4.87 miles per hour. I could have gotten out and run faster, but the whole gravity thing would have impeded my progress. Makes me curious how fast I can swim.

Note: There was another wildlife incident. I nearly ran over baby ducks. I know! How horrible! There was my kayak and another in a narrow area and the other boat had startled them so they bee-lined right in front of me. I slowed and they all caught on real quick about what evasive maneuvers are. No baby ducks were harmed. The first night I went I was nearly attacked by a swan. Damn, that's a big bird.

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