Wednesday, September 5


People, I have been in a funk. Maybe I'm not even out yet, but I just got back from my gymnastics class and feel pretty good. There were new people and they are awesome, so now I am inspired to do better. My front flips were as consistently mediocre as they have ever been! This is good for me.

Today was "Say it like it is" Day at work. It's not a real holiday, but after a few comments this afternoon we gave it that name. For instance my co-worker just got her hair cut, but is pushing it back like she always does so my other co-worker says, "Why did you even bother getting it cut if you are just going to push it back?" She leaves the room to return moments later with Pat Benatar bangs circa 1980-something. (If you are too young to know who that is, Google it, LOL.) Fabulous. I was being ornery and noted it and giant-banged co-worker said, "Yes, I noticed you've more hostile - than usual." Not physically so, now mind you. Just verbally hostile. Been trying to just stay quiet. Mainly I get hostile after I hang up with someone and say what I really wanted to say. No you can't fax over a color picture for me to scan. Seriously folks.

Tomorrow's another day.

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