Thursday, September 6

Just the Right Words

Today I found the perfect lyrics to describe my mood of late. Maybe you know Steal My Sunshine by Len:
"I was lying on the grass
on Sunday morning of last week
indulging in my self defeats.
My mind was thugged, all laced and bugged,
all twisted round and beat
uncomfortable three feet deep."

Who knows what the three feet deep means, but the rest is right on. I guess the band's a one-hit wonder.

Oh, the squirrel just freaked out. It was hysterical. I am on the deck with my laptop and a squirrel routinely makes a trip across our roof, jumps to a post on the deck, scampers across the railing and down the stairs to the yard. Well, I heard something behind me and finally looked up to see him balanced on the wooden ball that adorns the post. He leaned forward in surprise to see the sight of company and jumped right back on the roof.

I will probably be jumping right back into the house because the neighbor kids just came outside and the silence is over.

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