Saturday, August 18

Mornings Are Great - Getting Up for Them is Hard

I hoisted myself from sleep this fine Saturday to go running on trails in the park. I scared three rabbits and smelled skunk but thankfully never saw one. Morning really is the best time of the day. Everything is yet to be and quiet rules the land.

As I was jogging I came upon a stand of pine trees. Pine trees are quiet. Other trees with arms outstretched, are waving around, catching the wind, whooshing and swaying. Pines embrace you with down turned limbs in a gesture of hushing. Hush, be quiet, be still. I stopped to be quiet with them for a few moments.

After my run I went to the market for peaches. My husband loves peach cobbler so that is what a few of them will be destined for. I also got a teeny pecan pie from the Amish there. It is about 3" across; can't wait to share that with him as well. From the vendor who sells fresh cut flowers, I picked the ones you see in the photo. Nearby an elderly gentleman picked up a small bouquet in a jar and told the person behind the table, "I'm going to take these for my wife. She will really enjoy them." Right you are, sir!

I also couldn't resist a pint of fresh blueberries. Some still have little stems and there are bits of sticks in the container. I love that. Their flavor is exquisite. No candy is as good as this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo, and it sounds like it was a lovely day too.