Saturday, January 16

Progress Report

I could wait until I’ve really made a dent in this list, but it gets done bit by bit so I’ve bolded what is in progress and crossed out goals already attained. What’s on your 2010 list? Take action on a bit of it today.

1. Focus (There are things I think I should do. So I’ve got to pick a thing, focus and do it.)
2. Get Adobe Certified - in anything (That’s one of the things I think I should do.)
3. Make time spent on the computer more productive
4. Tour a real, medieval castle, preferably with a moat (I’d put a moat around my house if it were allowed. They are just cool.)
5. Go to New York with my friend V
6. Surf again
7. Hike to Machu Picchu
8. Get paid for this clean living (My health care plan offers $500 cash back for doing healthy things; I’ve earned 1/5 so far!)
9. Go to Hawaii again
10. Visit Venice
11. Be better
12. Be better to my houseplants (This is an ongoing goal so time will tell. I’m just about to water them.)
13. Move on and forward
14. Snowboard in Utah or Colorado
15. Go on a insanely inexpensive trip to an incredible locale
16. Read more design books
17. Melt glass into beads that I am absolutely pleased with
18. Add something new and interesting to my hobby of doing new and interesting things
19. Get great new glasses to give my eyes a break from contacts*
20. Take advantage of
21. Knit a pair of socks
22. Print this list and post it in plain sight

*I’m so excited about my new glasses! I’ve worn contacts for the last five years or so, but my over-a-decade-old backup glasses were just good enough for me to drive in in the event of a contact lens emergency. Last week my eyes were feeling kind of dry and crappy with my lenses in and even scratchier with them out. If you Google that sort of thing, horrifying things come up. Don’t they always for any minute medical thing you might wonder about? This made the timing extra good to go get my eyes checked since it was on my list anyway, and since there was a cancelation, I was able to get in the next day! My worries of giant papillary conjunctivitis (google that and click images - yikes!) were unfounded. Besides the ever present near-sightedness I’ve had since third grade, the doctor deemed my eyes perfectly healthy.

Now the fun began! I looked at frames all week at three different places. Two are known for fun and funky (expensive) frames, and the third was right at my eye doctor’s office. I took pictures of myself with my iPhone to show prospective choices to my coworkers and was choosing better looking frames as the week went on. Finally B and I went frame shopping together as I value his opinion most. Even when I put on my old glasses that were deemed by a coworker to look like ones Mrs. Claus* - yes, Santa’s wife - would wear, he said, “Aw, there’s my love” as he fell in love with me when I was wearing big, red, circa 1980’s plastic frames day in and day out. This guy loves me in glasses or not. In the end the key was for me to shop in the kid section. I have a small head; I have a small body to go with it so that’s good, but adult-size eyeglass frames stick out way too far on the sides. After a half hour of pondering, there were two pair I could have been extremely happy with - one matte metal in dark brown with these cool beetle-green nose pad connectors and hinge screws (mature with personality), the other triple-layer plastic in dark brown outside, a thin layer of fuchsia and then very light pink on the inside in a stylish rectangular shape with an almost optimistic upward arc (professional and fun). I was 60/40 for the metal frames when I spotted a woman behind the desk. “I need your expert opinion,” I said. People love to help and she was no different nor was she wishy-washy. She asked me to switch them back and forth a couple of times and decidedly wholeheartedly on the plastic frame. I concurred. This frame made me smile when I had it on. It was also $200 dollars cheaper as I would have had to pay extra to get super thin lenses to fit the thin metal frame. That made me smile even more.

Oh, you want to see them? I’m making everyone wait until next week when I pick them up and that includes you.

*Gold, oval, wire-rimmed frames - she is absolutely right.


Sherry said...

Only Ginger would put that much effort into picking out frames!!! Send a picture when you get them.

Ginger said...

And then to blog about it on top of it, LOL. I do put a lot of effort into picking things out: paint colors, cereal, running shoes, snowshoes (first pair ever arriving Monday!), shampoo, iPhone apps...ooh, speaking of which, check our the RunKeeper app. It will track all your walks (runs, hikes, biking, etc.), map them, let you know pace, calories burned and more.

Sherry said...

Are you serious? You mean until now you haven't owned a pair of snowshoes??? Ginger, you disappoint me!!! Nancy has my first pair - handmade by Carl Heilman. I liked them but they were too much trouble to lace up. I opted for a mass produced but "easy to get into" pair. Do you know what it's like to try to get into snowshoes, barehanded, and it's minus twenty out with a wind blowing???