Saturday, January 2


Last New Year’s Eve Rick and I were in New York City having dinner at a French restaurant with friends. This year we watched the Food Network all evening, ate plates piled high with carrots, celery, clementines, thin-sliced peppered salame and white cheddar cheese with chipotle peppers and cranberries throughout. This after a gourmet dinner of Cream of Wheat. We like Cream of Wheat and are notoriously lazy about having a New Year’s Eve plan. At midnight we called friends and family, sleeping or not. Those who get woken up by calls from people like me will be delighted to learn I got payback when my brother called early the next morning to send well-wishes. We spent 01-01-10 lazing around, happy that we were, went out for Chinese and then watched Julie & Julia (where we enjoyed watching French food being cooked).

Was last year a much more exciting start to the New Year? Yes, but I was still just as happy as it started off exactly the same way as it has for the last seventeen years - with my favorite person by my side who is the bread to my low-fat butter.*

*That’ll make more sense when you see the movie.


Sherry said...

Geez, you are posting a lot more often lately. . . it is no longer common for you to be at the bottom of my blog lists on my blog site (the lower the blog on the list, the longer since a new post has been made!). Julie and Julia is next on my Netflix queue and I'm anxious to see it. I'm already getting excited about "The Canoe Trip" this year!!! It's things like that that will get me through this cold, cold winter.

Ginger said...

Hehe, when I’m off of work, I blog more. It’s back to my regularly scheduled programming and bottom of the list next week. :)

I’ve been organizing my basement and shifted around the Camping Gear tote. I look forward to opening and packing it all in our kayaks, too! Meanwhile, I wouldn’t mind about 2 feet of snow and a week of 30º so it’s fun to play in.