Monday, September 29

"You Should Have Heard the Horn Section"

I listened to classical music while commuting today. It's not completely out of the ordinary for me to do this but to keep it on the station the entire time is.

I once read an article about in inventor who will do something different just for a new perspective. While I felt like I was in a cartoon or that my drive was incredibly dramatic - you should have heard the horn section when I made a left turn - the thought came to me to see if I could keep this up for a week. Classical music is supposed to make you think better. I let you know how that works out.


Anonymous said...

I'm betting it was The Sunshine Show on 91.5?

Ginger said...

You got that right plus whatever the drive home show is called as well. I made it until Friday and then put in the Kid Rock CD. So weak, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if it ain't Baroque, don't fix it. LOL


julie king said...

a few years ago when i worked at an agency i practiced mozart monday. i only listened to mozart music at work on monday mornings. it was a great way to transition from the weekend back into the work week. i'd love to know how the music has affected you.

Ginger said...

Mozart Monday - I like that! I've got some on right now, and I have to say it's purely pleasant; engaging yet in no way distracting. It's almost a balm for stress or whataver negativity is ailing you, and at the same time invigorating.