Tuesday, March 24

Green Things

Things secret and green are poking up into the world. I extend a tentative finger, touching each one. Hello. They are strong and like upside down divers, hands thrust toward the sun.

The beginnings of daffodils and tulips spear through last autumn's leaves. The weeds are still weeks away, and the rain will provide these first flowers with all the water they need. This is the time that I love my garden. Bulbs I buried under winters long past push through all the dirt and leaves that have been heaped upon them.

Slumbering in silence, shoving aside misconceptions like here there be no flowers, believing there is light in the direction they are heading and standing tall and bright through - and because of - all the rain - this is the ethos of green things.


Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly! Hey! When I saw your blog was second on my blog list, I knew you had made a new entry!!! (Blogs are listed in the order in which new entries are made). My daughter-in-law just sent me an e-mail and told me I misspelled "potato" on my blog! I always spelled it "potatoe".

Ginger said...

That is cool you have it set up like that. I will try to stay out of last place. :) Yay, for the correct spelling of potato. We all have those words that plague us. P.S. You can run a spell check on your post before you publish by hitting the little check mark with the ABCs next to it in the icon toolbar above where you type. ;)

Anonymous said...

Eloquently written.

As G crouched down to inspect the winters offspring, her wide eyes, having the expression of a youngster anticipating the gift of candy from an elder, receives the reflection of the life being born from the womb of the winter's soil. "Deet deet deet", she says under her breath, as she ever so gently pokes at the frail plantling.


Ginger said...

B: I did go "deet, deet, deet" real quiet (so as not to startle them) just like you guessed! What a treat it is to be known.