Sunday, August 31


I wasn't going to run because I didn't bring clothes suited for it, but the morning fog in the country was all come hither. So here I am, pajama pants rolled up, manure pungent in thankfully crisp morning air and enjoying walking back home. Hey, there's my dad! Must have come looking for me.

Hey A, this is where we used to stand on the guard rail and pull imaginary cords to get the expressway truckers to honk their horns.


Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a beautiful morning, glad you followed your impulse! On another note....saw your note on Twitter about seeing Joe Satriani, we have tickets for Oct. 12th Buffalo show...we will have our earplugs but it will be AWESOME!!!!!


Ginger said...

That is cool you have tickets! Rick reminded me that you mentioned you were seeing a guitarist; I was so tired that night - didn't realize that was the guy. I was checking him out on the web; looks like he's pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is very good...the last time we saw him, he happened to have one of your favorites, Eric Johnson, opening up for him...and then they both played together at the end. Awesome! This time, Leslie West and Mountain are opening for him...should still be very good!
