Saturday, July 14

A Tour of My Studio

Okay, my studio is more like a spot in the basement, but it does have windows! My wonderful husband was a huge help in getting my workstation set up. He reinforced my wooden stool that I had picked up on the side of the road while I cleaned a metal table that was in our house when we bought it almost 8 years ago. This thing sat useless in a corner and we'd been meaning to get rid of it. 8 years later a purpose reveals itself; who would have thought?

After that I searched online how to clamp the torch and tank of gas to the table, and off we went to Home Depot to get supplies. We devised our own design out of a piece of 16 gauge sheet metal, two c-clamps and two pipe clamps. He bent the sheet metal, drilled holes to feed the pipe clamps through and then tightened it down to the table with the c-clamps. Moments later I fired it up and nothing exploded. I was giddy with joy that it worked - and that I didn't need to dial 911.

Many hours of bliss have been spent on that wooden stool that was destined for a landfill. I happened to take a walk around our block on garbage night and right on cue was a stool when I needed it just days before my torch was scheduled to arrive. Serendipity rocks!

The photos below are of the studio I visit when I want to work on a dual-fuel torch.


Athena's Armoury said...

I love found objects! Good for you putting something to use that was destined for the landfill. Your work is beautiful, by the way.

Ginger said...

Yes, it's perfectly good, and I was happy to not have it end up as garbage! I've since given it a nice coat of pale blue paint that was left over from a bathroom project. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

That was a great way to re-purpose something. I'm glad the table finally came of use!

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بروكر said...

I definitely love this site.