Saturday, July 7

Etsy Bloggers: Project Orange

I've just joined a group of fellow Etsy bloggers and this week we're posting about the color orange.

I really love orange and I especially like it with pale blue.
They're naturals together:
- Sunrise in a cool milky blue sky
- Goldfish rising in a pond reflecting the world above
- The Etsy website - orange logo, blue text!


Keely said...

Your work is beautiful!!! Glass blowing has always intrigued me.

Anonymous said...

Love those orange and blue beads! Nice color combo. Congrats on your switchplate idea, can't wait to see what it looks like on your wall when you get it! I checked out Mosaico, she does some beautiful stuff- might have to do some shopping for the house soon, LOL!
Nice and quiet again with the house all to ourselves, thank goodness- now, if I can only recover from this kid-germ disease I caught I'll be fine, LOL!

Terri said...

Gorgeous work-those two colors complement each other nicely.